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Registration of coaches and instructors

Coaches and instructors must be registered with MOE to be engaged by schools. Learn about the registration requirements and how to register.


Schools can only engage instructors who are registered with MOE. Registration helps schools better assess instructors' suitability to conduct co-curricular and enrichment activities for students.

Who must register

The following individuals must register with MOE before they can be engaged by schools:

  • Co-curricular activities (CCA) coaches and instructors.
  • Art and Music Instructors Scheme (AMIS) instructors.
  • Programme for active learning (PAL) instructors.
  • Conversational Chinese or Malay instructors.
  • Instructors for activities that involve overnight stay or overseas trips with students.
  • All other instructors of school-based CCA and enrichment activities lasting more than 8 hours per contract (for example, 1 term of weekly 2-hour sessions).

If you are a travel agency employee

If you conduct overseas trips or local learning journeys for students, you need to register with MOE before you can be engaged by schools.

These include:

  • Travel agency staff who accompany students on overseas trips, regardless of their duties (for example, tour guide, learning facilitator, tour manager), or when they join the trip (from the start of the trip from Singapore or in the later part of the trip).
  • Travel agency staff accompanying students on local learning journeys.

Note: Overseas personnel (for example, native tour guides or learning facilitators) who are not direct employees of the tour agency do not need to register with MOE.

Registration requirements

All instructors must be at least 18 years of age.

In addition, the following roles have specific registration requirements.

Physical sports CCA coach or instructor

To ensure that students receive high-quality training during their sports CCA, you must be at least a provisional member of the National Registry of Coaches (NROC).

From 1 July 2024, SportSG will cease issuing new NROC Provisional Coach (PC) Membership. For more information on the cessation of NROC PC membership, instructors may refer to SportSG website. For queries on NROC, instructors may direct them to sport_coaching@sport.gov.sg.

Documents needed:

  • Proof of NROC provisional or full membership.
  • For full NROC members, a copy of your certificate of attendance for the Values and Principles in Sports (VPS) workshop.

Learn how to apply for NROC membership and the members' benefits.

If you are registered with MOE, have completed the VPS workshop or equivalent, and have obtained a valid standard first-aid certification, you are strongly encouraged to register for provisional NROC membership.
Dance CCA instructor

Document needed:

  • Certificate of successful completion of the ‘An Introduction to Safe Dance Practice in MOE Schools' course.

MOE and the National Arts Council (NAC) value the importance of safe dance practice. It is critical for Dance CCA instructors to have the essential knowledge and skills of safe dance practice so that they can adopt sound training approaches to help students build dance skills progressively, with minimal risk of injury.

Hence MOE and NAC have appointed the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) to conduct a mandatory baseline training course, An Introduction to Safe Dance Practice in MOE Schools. This introductory course aims to equip all Dance CCA instructors in schools with basic working knowledge and skills, to ensure students' well-being and optimal learning.

From 1 January 2021, all Dance CCA instructors are required to complete the course before they can register with MOE.

Learn more about the course, available dates, application and exemption process. You may also refer to the FAQs (215kb)  for more information.

You may apply for an exemption if you have attended similar courses.
Art and Music Instructors Scheme (AMIS) for primary schools

AMIS instructors at primary schools are to deliver the teaching and learning of the Art and Music subjects during curriculum hours, which is different from the roles of PAL, CCA and enrichment instructors.

Prospective instructors should have:

  • 5 GCE O-Level passes including English.
  • Relevant art or music qualification.
  • Experience teaching students in the primary school age group in art or music.

Documents needed:

  • Proof of all academic qualifications, including GCE O-Level results.
  • Highest professional art or music qualifications.
  • Proof of professional or teaching experience in art or music.

If you are applying to be an art and music instructor, your AMIS and MOE registration will be considered concurrently.

You may need to submit your teaching portfolio comprising evidences of works created by your students.

How to register

REMS 2.0 is now available. Please register online if:

  • You are registering for the first time.
  • You are applying for re-registration within 3 months from the expiry date of your registration.

We will inform you of the outcome of your application about 6 to 8 weeks after receiving your completed application form. Schools may interview you to assess your suitability based on their needs before engaging your service.

If you are registered and wish to update your application information, you should email us.

Evaluation criteria

In general, instructors will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Age (should be at least 18 years of age)
  • Area of specialisation
  • Relevant qualifications and experience, if any
  • Employment history
  • Registration with a relevant professional body, if applicable
  • Self-declaration form
Examples of areas of specialisation
Area of specialisation Examples
Co-curricular activities (CCAs)
  • Physical sports: basketball, badminton, table-tennis, football, etc.
  • Performing arts: choir, band, dance, drama, string ensemble, etc.
  • Visual arts: photography, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, etc.
  • Clubs and societies: chess, debate, subject-based (for example, Science), Information Technology, etc.
Programme for Active Learning (PAL)
  • PAL Sports and Games
  • PAL Outdoor Education
  • PAL Performing Arts (Dance, Drama and Music)
  • PAL Visual Arts
Art and Music Instructors Scheme (AMIS)
  • AMIS Art
  • AMIS Music
Conversational Chinese and Malay (CCM)
  • Conversational Chinese (Basic, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced)
  • Conversational Malay (Basic, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced)
Enrichment Programmes
  • Overseas Trips
  • Overnight Camps
  • Leadership
  • Life Skills: Financial Literacy, Career Guidance activities, Communication Skills workshops, Social Etiquette classes, etc.
  • Others: Learning Journeys, Heritage Trails, Arts Appreciation workshops etc.

Tenure of service

Each registration is valid for 2 years.

All instructors must remain registered during the tenure of their services. Instructors who wish to continue providing services to schools must re-register before the expiry date of their registration.

All instructors shall ensure that their certification and accreditation in their respective Area(s) of Specialisation remain current and valid throughout the period of engagement with schools. For example, Physical Sports CCA instructors would need to ensure that they have a valid National Registry of Coaches (NROC) membership and Standard First Aid (SFA) certificate throughout their engagement with schools.

Schools will terminate the services of instructors when their registration expires. Schools will also end their contract with companies that cannot provide suitable replacements for instructors who are no longer registered with MOE.

Instructors who no longer meet the suitability criteria will be deregistered and be informed of their de-registration. All schools will then terminate their contracts with the de-registered instructor.

MOE’s decisions to decline registration or re-registration, or impose de-registration of an instructor is not a judgement of the instructor's competency to act in any other capacity outside of MOE.

Contact information

For technical help with the online registration process, please contact:

Email: MOE_REMS@moe.edu.sg

For all other queries on registration, please contact:

Email: MOE_IRS@moe.edu.sg

Other information 

You can also refer to the FAQs for more information.