Last Updated: 26 Oct 2023
Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS)
The SLS is one of MOE’s key initiatives to transform the learning experiences of Singaporean students through the purposeful use of technology to enable students to engage in different learning modes, including self-directed and collaborative learning. All school leaders, teachers and students in the national school system have access to the SLS.
Transforming teaching and learning
The SLS is an online learning portal providing equal access to quality curriculum-aligned resources in major subjects from primary to pre-university level, in line with the development of 21st Century Competencies (21CC).The SLS also provides teachers with a range of tools to customise and create meaningful learning experiences that cater to diverse learning needs. For example, teachers have access to tools that help to make students’ thinking processes visible. This enables teachers to make informed decisions and provide targeted intervention to address any gaps in understanding.
The SLS also serves as a common online platform for teachers to apply, adapt and share new pedagogies by facilitating collaborations across classrooms and schools.
The SLS is continually being developed in response to the needs of students and teachers. Curriculum-aligned resources and system tools are continually being improved and developed in line with suggestions and feedback from teachers and students to cater to students’ diverse and evolving learning needs.
Find out more about accessing SLS.
How teachers and students are using SLS

Integration with SLS
The SLS allows system capabilities to be extended via integration with external applications. This accelerates the adoption and integration of new digital learning tools and resources complementary to the SLS.For companies and agencies that wish to develop resources, integrate an existing product with SLS, or apply for Sandbox testing accounts, you can find out more at the SLS site for partners.
Contact Us
For clarifications, you can contact the SLS Partnerships Team.