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National Elective Tamil Language Programme Scholarship (NETPS)

This scholarship is awarded in Pre-University 1 to students admitted to the National Elective Tamil Language Programme (NETP).


It is awarded for 2 years. The award covers an allowance of $1,000 and school fees based on Singapore Citizen's rates less any subsidies, subject to an annual cap of $2,400, as long as the student meets the renewal criteria and remains enrolled in the NETP. Only Singapore Citizens are eligible.

Who is eligible

Singapore Citizens who:

  • Are enrolled in the NETP at the Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre
  • Have done consistently well in school and obtained outstanding results in their GCE O-Level examinations or equivalent based on the school's internal assessment
  • Obtained at least an A2 in Tamil, B3 in Higher Tamil or B4 in Higher Tamil with B3 in Tamil Literature or equivalent
  • Have good co-curricular activities record
  • Have good conduct record

Additional requirements

Scholarship recipients must:

Where is NETP offered

Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre (UPTLC)

How to apply

Application for 2025 cycle starts on Monday, 3 March and ends at 11.59pm on Friday, 4 April 2025. No offline applications will be accepted after application period ends.

To apply for the scholarship, a valid SingPass account with 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required to access the application system. Details on the application for a SingPass can be found on the SingPass website. As the set up for SingPass Myinfo may not be immediate, we strongly encourage students to complete your SingPass application early to avoid encountering technical issues close to application closing.

Log in to the application system through your Singpass and register as a new user to create an account using your personal valid email account. After your account has been successfully created, you may log in using your Singpass to access the application form.

You can refer to this guide when completing your online application. An essay of about 500-600 words on brief write up about yourself (such as your key interests/motivations/aspirations), and your reasons for applying for this scholarship, should be submitted with your online application.

Selection for interview

If you are in the Integrated Programme, your school will nominate you for the scholarship selection interview.

If you are not in the Integrated Programme, you will be invited for the scholarship selection interview based on your GCE O-Level examination results and school's recommendation.

Interview details

Shortlisted students will receive details of the interview through email in April, and the interview will be conducted in April or May.

Announcement of results

Successful candidates will be notified in June.

Find out more about the other programme-specific scholarships for Pre-University.