Last Updated: 06 Mar 2025
Chinese Language Elective Scholarship (CLES)
This scholarship is awarded in Secondary 3 to students admitted to the Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP-Sec).
About CLES
It is awarded for 2 years at Secondary 3 to Secondary 4. The award covers an allowance of $1,000 and school fees based on Singapore Citizen's rates less any subsidies, subject to annual cap of $2,400, as long as the student meets the renewal criteria and remains enrolled in the Chinese Language Elective Programme. Only Singapore citizens are eligible.
CLEP-Sec scholars who are successfully enrolled in the CLEP-JC may renew their scholarship for another 2 years from Pre-U 1 to Pre-U 2. This is subject to the scholar meeting the scholarship renewal criteria and their school's recommendation.
Who is eligible
Singapore citizens who:
- Are enrolled in the Chinese Language Elective Programme
- Have earned at least an ‘A2’ grade in Chinese Language or ‘B3’ grade in Higher Chinese Language, or equivalent in their Secondary 2 examinations
- Have a good conduct record
Additional requirements
Scholarship recipients must take:
- School-based Literature in Chinese, if they are in the Integrated Programme
- Literature in Chinese as a full or elective subject at O-Level, if they are not in the Integrated Programme
They must also participate in:
- CLEP-Sec Camp (during the June holidays in Secondary 3)
- Overseas immersion programme (at the end of Secondary 3)
- School-based activities and programmes
They must enrol into CLEP and offer H2 Chinese Language and Literature to be considered for scholarship renewal at Pre-University level.
They must not be concurrent recipients of any other MOE scholarships except the Edusave Scholarships for Independent Schools (ESIS).
Which schools offer CLEP-Sec
- Anglican High School
- Chung Cheng High School (Main)
- Dunman High School
- Hwa Chong Institution
- Maris Stella High School
- Nanyang Girls’ High School
- Nan Chiau High School
- Nan Hua High School
- Temasek Junior College
How to apply
Schools will nominate eligible students. Approach your child’s secondary school for more information.
Find out more about the Chinese Language Elective Scholarship (CLES) for Pre-University and other programme-specific scholarships for secondary schools.