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Edusave Account: Overview

The Edusave Account is opened automatically for all Singapore Citizen students. Find out about what it is and how much your child will receive.


Every Singapore Citizen (SC) will have an Edusave account created automatically for them.

For SCs in MOE-funded schools, they will receive annual contributions from the start of their primary school education until they complete their secondary school education.

For SCs who are not in MOE-funded schools, they will receive annual contributions from 7 to 16 years of age. This includes children who are enrolled in madrasahs and privately-funded schools, as well as those home-schooled or residing overseas.

Here’s how much your child will receive this year:

  • Primary school students: $230
  • Secondary school students: $290

Learn how to check your child's Edusave account balance and transactions, and how to use the funds.

  • Junior college (JC) and Millennia Institute (MI) students will not receive Edusave annual contributions or top-ups. They can still use their available Edusave funds for approved fees and enrichment programmes organised by their schools. JC and MI students will receive a top-up in their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) if there is a PSEA government top-up and they are eligible for it.
  • You cannot contribute into your child's Edusave account.
Government top-up

As announced at Budget 2025, there will be a one-off top-up of $500, tentatively in July 2025, to the Edusave Account of Singapore Citizens who are aged 13 to 16 in 2025 (born between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2012, both dates inclusive).

This is on top of the annual contributions that they currently receive.