Pilot Increase of MTL Exposure in MOE Kindergartens (MK)
From 2026, four more MKs will pilot the increase of Mother Tongue Language (MTL) exposure that MK@Hougang and MK@Elias Park have been piloting this year.
Under the pilot, the daily MTL curriculum duration will increase from 1 hour to 1.5 hours, providing more opportunities for MK children to learn and use their MTL with their peers and teachers.
Cultivating Positive Reading Habits from Young
A structured reading programme, MTL SOAR will be progressively rolled out to all primary levels by 2029.
Teachers will use age-appropriate supplementary readers and schools will be provided with resources such as reading passports, guides for teachers, students and parents, as well as recommended reading lists curated with the National Library Board, to enhance existing efforts in developing to develop positive reading habits in students from young.