MC not required for students who test positive for COVID-19
Last Updated: 03 Mar 2022
We refer to Mr Alex Yeo's letter (Whether an MC is needed to be excused from school is a grey area, Feb 26).
The Ministry of Education recognises that these are extraordinary times and has adopted a trust-based approach to sick leave for students who test positive for Covid-19, while having safeguards in place to ensure the safety of the school community.
In line with the national Covid-19 health protocol, students who test positive for Covid-19 are not required to provide a medical certificate, doctor's letter or recovery memo to account for their absence.
For students who wish to return to school after 72 hours of self-isolation and before their time-based discharge, schools may ask for photo evidence of a negative result on the self-administered antigen rapid test.
Liew Wei Li
Deputy Director-General of Education (Schools) and Director of Schools
Ministry of Education