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Removal of mid-year examinations a step towards nurturing joy of learning

Last Updated: 16 Apr 2022

News Forum Letter Replies

We thank Ms Lu Gui Xia ("谈取消年中考试", 11 Apr) for her thoughtful feedback on the removal of mid-year examinations. As her former student, I would also like to thank Ms Lu for guiding and nurturing me more than 3 decades ago.

In recent years, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has introduced several policy changes under the Learn for Life movement to nurture our students to be confident and self-directed learners. As Ms Lu observed, the removal of mid-year examinations for all remaining levels in primary and secondary schools by 2023 is another step towards inculcating joy of learning in our students, and away from an over-emphasis on academic results.

Schools that have removed the mid-year examinations shared that they have more time to provide a variety of learning experiences to cater to students' learning needs. Some students too have given feedback that they now have more opportunities to discover their interests and strengths. We would like to assure Ms Lu that schools will be using the freed-up time for its intended purpose, to nurture well-rounded students and enable them to succeed in life.

Even without mid-year examinations, schools have regular assessments to help students monitor their learning progress, identify strengths and close learning gaps. We agree with Ms Lu that these forms of assessments are important in supporting students' learning as they provide timely feedback, and enable teachers to nimbly adjust teaching practices to better respond to their students' needs. Without mid-year examinations, students will also have more time to act on teachers' feedback on their learning progress.

It is important for students to be driven by the intrinsic value of learning and self-improvement, and not be motivated narrowly by assessment outcomes. Citing from Confucius' Analect: 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者. Together, let us help our students thrive in the school of life, and not just their life in school.

Mr Sng Chern Wei
Deputy Director-General of Education (Curriculum), MOE



近年来,教育部按照"学无止境"(Learn for Life)计划推出了多项政策改革,旨在培养学生的自信心和自主学习能力。正如卢女士所观察到的,中小学明年取消其余年级的所有年中考试,是朝培养学生的乐学精神、不过度重视学业成绩的方向,迈出的又一步。



