Steps taken for students to be inquisitive learners and critical thinkers
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023
We are encouraged that Mr Jack Sim ("Train future-ready students to ask questions and not just find answers", April 19) shares our ideal for Singapore's education system to nurture inquisitive, lifelong learners.
Our students are growing up in a world shaped by rapid technological advancements such as the rise of artificial intelligence, as well as digital innovations that continue to disrupt businesses and industries.
Efforts are under way to prepare our students to thrive in such a world. The Ministry of Education has been taking steps to create a learning environment that encourages students to be intellectually curious, and to think critically and ask "Why?". Teaching and learning in schools have also shifted towards more open-ended and knowledge-constructing activities that nurture curiosity.
Curiosity is also developed through diverse learning experiences both in and beyond the classroom that help students see how knowledge is creatively applied to generate new value or solve real-world problems. For example, our schools provide applied learning programmes for students to experience how knowledge and skills learnt are applied to real-world contexts.
Another example is how our secondary and pre-university students take part in regular home-based learning days as part of blended learning. This provides them with more opportunities to take ownership of their learning, with time set aside to delve deeper into their own areas of interest outside of the school curriculum.
Taken together, these initiatives encourage our students to explore, experiment, and be driven by more intrinsic motivations in learning.
We are grateful for the views and partnership of parents and the wider community to nurture our students for the future. MOE will remain steadfast in our efforts to develop students to be curious and confident lifelong learners.
Sng Chern Wei
Deputy Director-General of Education (Curriculum)
Ministry of Education