Schools will partner parents in guiding students on phone use
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2023
We thank Mr Ryan Yeo for his letter ("Curb use of phones in school and promote reading instead", May 30). We agree with him on the importance of teaching students not to use their mobile phones excessively.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) provides guidelines for schools to regulate the use of mobile devices based on their student profiles and needs. Through the refreshed Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) curriculum, students are taught to manage the excessive use of devices, and to be responsible users of technology both in and out of school.
As our partners in education, parents also play an important role in guiding their children in the use of mobile phones and online interactions.
For example, parents can demonstrate appropriate use of mobile devices and positive social media use behaviour for their children, and have regular conversations with them to understand their interests.
It is important for our students to enjoy reading and to read widely. To develop and support good reading habits in students, schools provide a wide range of reading opportunities such as reading programmes within and outside of curriculum time, and activities like reading festivals.
All secondary school students also have free digital access to our local newspapers, which are used by teachers as resources in classrooms.
Our schools will continue with these efforts, in partnership with parents, to guide students in using their phones in a healthy and responsible manner, and to nurture in them a love for reading.
Beatrice Chong
Divisional Director, Curriculum Planning & Development Division 2
Ministry of Education