Safe channels for students to report bullying behaviour
Last Updated: 06 Nov 2024
We thank Mr Liu Ming Xin ("反霸凌平台有效吗?") and Ms Zhao Xin Yi ("警惕"隐形"霸凌") for their feedback.
We agree with Ms Zhao that there is a fine line between banter and bullying. Through the Character and Citizenship Education curriculum and a school environment that emphasises values and respect, students are taught to be kind to their classmates, to resolve disagreements respectfully and to stand up against bullying.
All schools have established channels for students to report bullying and hurtful behaviours, whether in person or online, through their Principals, teachers and Peer Support Leaders, or anonymous reporting channels. We assure Mr Liu that all reports will be handled sensitively and confidentially.
We recognise that some students may prefer to turn to their friends for support. All schools have a peer support structure in place, with trained Peer Support Leaders who are equipped with skills to play the role of upstanders. We encourage students to look out for one another, and to seek help from trusted adults, such as their parents, teachers and school counsellors, if they encounter or witness bullying.
Teachers are also trained to identify students in distress and proactively address hurtful behaviour. They are supported by experienced school staff and school counsellors to manage bullying incidents, facilitate relationship restoration, and work with parents.
When there are reports of alleged bullying or hurtful behaviour, schools conduct thorough investigations before deciding on the appropriate course of action. This may include taking disciplinary action and providing counselling support to perpetrators and victims. Schools will also work with parents to provide students with the necessary support.
The Ministry of Education will continue to review our anti-bullying approaches to ensure they remain relevant and impactful, and work with schools to create a safe learning environment for all students.
Ms Loh Wee Cheng
Divisional Director, Student Development Curriculum Division 1
Ministry of Education
我们同意赵同学的观点,即玩笑和霸凌之间只有一线之隔。学校通过品格与公民教育(Character and Citizenship Education)课程,以及营造强调价值观和尊重的学校环境,教导学生要善待同学,以尊重彼此的方式解决分歧,并勇敢地站出来反对霸凌行为。
所有学校都已为学生建立举报霸凌和伤害行为的渠道。无论是在线还是线下,都可以通过校长、教师、同侪支持领袖(Peer Support Leader)或匿名举报。我们向刘同学保证,所有举报都将以谨慎和保密的方式处理。