Performance management system of stack ranking for teachers
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2021
Louis Ng Kok Kwang, Nee Soon GRC
To ask the Minister for Education with regard to the current performance management system of stack ranking (a) how is a C-, D, and E ranking grade determined for teachers; and (b) whether the way the grades are determined differs from school to school.
To ask the Minister for Education what are the penalties teachers face when they get C-, D and E ranking grades respectively.
1. In alignment with the rest of Civil Service, MOE adopts a system of relative ranking, where a teacher's performance is not just assessed by his own supervisor, but also cross-ranked with his peers by a ranking panel comprising direct and indirect supervisors. This helps to moderate differences in supervisors' assessments and establish common standards of performance assessment.
2. The system allows us to consistently identify and recognise stronger performing officers, while at the same time provide development opportunities to weaker performers who are given C-, D and E grades, to help them improve their performance.
3. We have also put in place a number of measures to help our schools and School Leaders implement the performance management guidelines to strike an appropriate balance between consistency and still allowing for some flexibility and discretionary judgement to cater to specific circumstances in each school. MOE HR regularly updates and engages all School Leaders on the key HR policies and issues which include performance management policies, good practices and expected standards of performance assessment. These sessions ensure common understanding and useful sharing of good practices. They also allow better understanding of the intent behind the performance management guidelines and the typical situations where flexibility would be accorded. In addition, Cluster Superintendents are present at the school annual ranking exercises to provide close guidance to the School Leaders on the performance management process and guidelines.
4. The performance of teachers has an impact on their remuneration and career development. Teachers with at least a C- grade will be eligible for Performance Bonuses. Promotion would naturally require a higher performance requirement, especially for the more senior grades.
5. As part of performance management, supervisors are required to counsel underperforming teachers to help them improve their performance. Teachers who fail to improve despite the support given are placed under the Performance Review Process framework for further guidance and counselling. Officers who continue to underperform, despite the additional counselling and guidance given, will have their services terminated. This is broadly similar to how it is done for other underperforming officers in the Civil Service.