School bus subsidies for primary school students
Last Updated: 12 Sep 2022
Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Mr Murali Pillai, Bukit Batok SMC
To ask the Minister for Education whether the Ministry will consider enhancing the income eligibility criteria for monthly school bus subsidies for primary school students to help more low-income families, particularly those children who have been balloted out under the Primary One registration exercise of schools located within walking distance from their respective homes.
1. The MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) provides financial support for Singapore Citizen (SC) students from lower income families in our government and government-aided schools. This includes school bus subsidies for those in primary school. These are available to all primary school FAS students.
2. As announced on 24 August 2022, MOE will increase school bus subsidies for primary school FAS students, from 60% to 65% of school bus fees. This enhancement, together with other MOE FAS enhancements, will take effect from January 2023. Households who need additional support for school bus transport or other education related expenses, including those who have exceeded the MOE FAS income eligibility criteria, can approach schools for school-based assistance.