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Minister of State for Education Ms Gan Siow Huang's Reply to Adjournment Motion: Building Respectful and Harassment-Free Workplaces for Teachers and Educators

Last Updated: 11 Nov 2024

News Parliamentary Replies

1. Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Mr Patrick Tay for his heartfelt appreciation and concern for our teachers and educators.

2. In front of the Ministry of Education (MOE) building at Buona Vista stands a poignant structure: a hand gently lifting a child. This powerful image captures the essence of our teachers' calling. Every day, in classrooms across our nation, our teachers embrace the profound responsibility of 'holding the future of Singapore in their hands'.

Affirming Educators' Work

3. Each of us has been touched by the dedication of a teacher at some point in our lives. From kindergarten to university, these teachers shape not just our minds, but also our character. That's why teachers are so valued by our society and deserve our respect.

4. We deeply appreciate the vital role that our teachers play, and we are committed to supporting their well-being.

5. We recognise that being a teacher comes with its own set of challenges and pressures. All of us at MOE are deeply committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment for our teachers to flourish in their roles that they play.

6. An essential part of fostering this supportive environment in our schools and MOE Kindergartens is ensuring that our teachers are protected from any form of mistreatment. It is necessary that we call out abusive, harassing and disrespectful behaviour towards our teachers and educators. When our teachers or non-teaching staff face or witness an incident of workplace harassment, they should report it and approach their school leaders for advice and support. Alternatively, they can also reach out to MOE HR. Whichever route they choose, the reported incident will be taken seriously, treated with utmost confidence and thoroughly investigated. We will not hesitate to take action against the perpetrator, including filing a police report, where necessary.

7. It is also crucial to provide a safe environment and support for the victims of harassment as they could be emotionally affected by the incident. Professional counselling services are available to our teachers and educators, to support them in their recovery and mental wellness. Where appropriate, we also facilitate alternative work arrangements or grant leave to further support the victims in their healing process. Our educators in the Institutes of Higher Learning and Special Education schools have access to such support too.

8. Private preschool operators have in place similar policies and measures to safeguard their educators' interest. Early Childhood Development Agency, ECDA, has also put in place guidelines in preschool educators' learning frameworks to guide educators in establishing and fostering effective partnerships with parents.

9. While there are various measures and support systems in place for our educators across all levels, it is important to recognise that their ability to perform their crucial roles often depends on a support system that extends beyond the classroom and the institution. This support system includes parents and the unions, all of whom play vital roles in enabling our educators to do their job well.

Appreciating Parental Support

10. Parents are our key partners in nurturing our young. This partnership is most effective when founded on mutual trust and respect.

11. This year, MOE and the national advisory council on school-home-community partnership, COMPASS (COMunity and PArents in Support of Schools), refreshed the Guidelines for School-Home Partnership. These guidelines incorporate inputs from parents and educators, and provide focused guidance on how schools and parents can work together in ways that matter to our children.

12. Mr Patrick Tay suggested for schools to be clearer and more specific in outlining how parents should engage with educators. It is important for individual schools and their parents to develop a shared understanding and tailor the guidelines to serve the school context and the parent community. These are not one-off discussions, but ongoing conversations that our schools need to have with our educators and parents, with the support of their Parent Support Groups, or PSGs.

13. Last Saturday, I joined about 200 parent support group members from across 100 schools to go through the Guidelines for School-Home Partnership and other resources to better equip parents in their parenting journey. The parents who were participating were very appreciative of these resources and tools, and we should give them time to work out the protocols for communication with the schools.

14. I am always inspired by our PSG members' passion and commitment in supporting our children and the wider community. In many of our schools, PSGs provide mutual support and share information and other resources with fellow parents. This is especially beneficial for parents who are new to the school system or experiencing key milestones in their children's education. They do this typically through parent chat groups and may even step up to moderate conversations to create safe spaces for parents to share their concerns, experiences, tips and encourage one another. It is heartwarming to see such positive peer support in action.

15. Parents generally appreciate our teachers and respect the boundaries. However, once in a while, we encounter parents who are misaligned in their expectations of our teachers. These parents are also important partners, but as I mentioned earlier regarding our stance on mistreatment, MOE will take a firm stand against any abusive, harassing, or disrespectful behaviour. Failure to do so could sap our teachers of a disproportionate amount of their attention, at the expense of other students.

Recognising Union Efforts

16. Another crucial element of our educators' support system is the strong partnership with teachers' unions.

17. MOE HR works closely with the unions to support the well-being of our teachers and educators. We hold quarterly dialogues to discuss matters such as capacity building, mental well-being support, and grievance handling. The unions provide an additional source of feedback on ground issues and highlight specific cases of teachers and educators who require stronger support.

18. We thank the teachers' unions for advocating a safe work environment, and for their inputs to MOE's Engagement Charter. This new Charter specifically addresses parent-teacher interactions, placing greater emphasis on the expected conduct of parents when interacting with school staff, and the importance of mutual courtesy and respect. Through the unions' professional development and counselling support network, our teachers can enhance their skills and competencies in engaging stakeholders, including parents.

19. I also thank Mr Patrick Tay for his suggestion to set up a national tripartite effort to deal with abuse and harassment of teachers and educators. The education landscape in Singapore comprises diverse institutions from pre-school to tertiary level, with various stakeholders and concerns, as well as structures and processes to support their educators and teachers. What works for MOE schools may not work for other educational institutions.

20. We encourage our unions in the education cluster to continue to partner the respective educational systems and build on their existing structures and processes, to enable educators to work in a respectful and harassment-free work environment.

21. Educators and teachers, whether in public or private institutions, can seek help from the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices, TAFEP. TAFEP has put in place the Tripartite Advisory on Managing Workplace Harassment. This serves as a practical guide to prevent and manage harassment at all workplaces. Since 2019, TAFEP has also set up the Workplace Harassment Resource and Recourse Centre which provides support to victims of workplace harassment. These resources are available to all teachers and educators.


22. Mr Speaker, we deeply value our teachers and educators, and care for their well-being. We understand the challenges they face and the dedication they bring to their roles every day. With support of the school community, and partnership with parents and unions, we are committed to uplifting our teachers.

23. Our aim is to ensure that our teachers and educators remain not just future-ready and relevant, but also resilient in the face of challenges. Together, we can create an environment where our teachers feel respected, supported, and empowered to mould the future of our nation.

24. Thank you.