Monitoring Reports of Bullying, Depression and Suicide Amongst Students as Well-Being Indicators
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2025
Name and Constituency of Member of Parliament
Ms Hazel Poa, Non-Constituency Member of Parliament
To ask the Minister for Education (a) whether the Ministry actively monitors the average number of (i) bullying cases (ii) students who have been diagnosed with depression or (iii) suicide cases reported per student of each school, as a measure of student well-being; (b) if so, what steps are being taken to improve student well-being at schools with higher rates of reported bullying, depression, or suicide; (c) whether there are any plans for the Ministry to monitor such statistics; and (d) if not, why not.
1. MOE monitors cases related to student mental health and discipline that are reported to or identified by schools. However, MOE may not have information on all cases, as some families prefer to seek help privately. We work with schools to address student well-being issues such as bullying, and to provide support for students with suicide risks. Beyond a support network of teachers and School Counsellors in every school, students have access to specialised interventions and resources in the community, such as the Response, Early Intervention and Assessment in Community Mental Health teams. Parents also play an important role to provide the necessary support and guidance to their child at home.
2. Where there are schools with students with greater needs, MOE works closely with these schools to review their strategies and provide more targeted support where required. We will continue to update these measures so that our schools receive appropriate resources and assistance as they partner with parents to address student well-being issues together.