National Schools Xinyao Singing and Songwriting Competition
Last Updated: 07 Feb 2018
The National Schools Xinyao Singing and Songwriting Competition is back for the fourth year. For the first time, the Songwriting (Open) category is open to students from our universities1, while a new Songwriting (Creative) category has been introduced to encourage students to write songs by drawing inspiration from stories in their secondary school Chinese textbooks.
2. This year’s competition will comprise the following categories: Singing (Solo/Group) and Songwriting (Open/Creative). The Singing (Solo/Group) category and Songwriting (Creative) category is open to students in secondary schools, ITE, pre-universities and polytechnics, while the Songwriting category (Open) is extended to students in our universities. This singing and songwriting competition is co-organised by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL), Jurong Junior College, Lianhe Zaobao and TCR Music Station. This competition encourages students to enhance their reading and writing abilities, and at the same time learn Chinese in an interesting and lively manner. It also aims to cultivate a love for local Xinyao music and promote the composition of new Xinyao songs.
3. To help students taking part in the competition, 20 Xinyao music appreciation sessions and 2 songwriting workshops will be conducted by 4 of our veteran Xinyao songwriters Jim Lim, Zhang Lesheng, Roy Li Fey Huei and Tan Kah Beng.
4. This year, a new Xinyao music magazine will also be published. It will feature interesting stories behind some of the classic Xinyao songs, interview with Xinyao singers, interviews with student winners of last year’s competition as well as language games. The magazine will be distributed to students at the music appreciation sessions.
5. Please refer to the Annex for key dates of the competition. For further updates on the competition, please visit CPCLL’s website at and SPH’s website at