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Release of the 2018 PSLE results

Last Updated: 22 Nov 2018

News Press Releases

1. Students collected their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results from their respective primary schools today.

Performance of 2018 Primary 6 Cohort

2. A total of 39,672 Primary 6 students sat for the PSLE this year1. 39,041 students (or 98.4%) are assessed suitable to proceed to secondary school. 66.6% are eligible for the Express course, 20.6% for the Normal (Academic) course, and 11.2% for the Normal (Technical) course.

3. Amongst the 631 students (or 1.6%) who did not qualify for the Express, Normal (Academic) or Normal (Technical) courses, those who attempted the PSLE for the first time may re-attempt it in the coming year or apply to Assumption Pathway School (APS) or NorthLight School (NLS). Those who have made more than one attempt at PSLE will be preferentially offered a place in APS or NLS.

2018 Secondary 1 Posting Exercise

4. Eligible students would have received option forms to select secondary schools when they collected their results slips. In every sealed S1 Option Form, there will be a unique S1 Personal Identification Number (S1 PIN) which can be used to submit their secondary school choices online via the Secondary One Internet System. This will be accessible from 11.00am on 22 November 2018 to 3.00pm on 28 November 2018 through the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) website at https://www.moe.gov.sg/admissions/secondary-one-posting-exercise/submit-sch-choices. Alternatively, the option form can be submitted through the student’s primary school. Submission at primary schools can be made during the following timeslots: 11.00am to 3.00pm on 22 November 2018, and 9.00am to 3.00pm on 23, 26, 27 and 28 November 2018.

5. Students have a wide variety of quality secondary schools to choose from. When choosing secondary schools, students - in discussion with their parents - should consider schools with cultures, programmes and environments best suited to their learning needs and interests (e.g. Applied Learning Programmes, Learning for Life Programmes, Co-Curricular Activities).

6. The S1 posting results will be released on Wednesday, 19 December 2018. Students are to report to the secondary schools that they are posted to on Thursday, 20 December 2018 at 8.30am.

  1. This does not include children who are exempted from Compulsory Education (CE). This year, 12 out of 41 CE-exempt home-schooled children from the 2013 P1 cohort did not meet the PSLE benchmark. Home-schooled children who did not meet the benchmark must re-attempt the PSLE in 2019. Should they wish to attend a mainstream school to take full advantage of the teaching resources and programmes there, MOE will facilitate their admission to a suitable primary school.