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Online Process for MOE Kindergarten Registration Exercise & Refinements to Admissions Framework

Last Updated: 15 Jan 2019

News Press Releases

1. MOE will implement an online process for the MOE Kindergarten (MK) Registration Exercise and make refinements to the MK Admissions Framework.

New Online Registration Process for MKs

2. Currently, parents interested in registering their child for an MK have to physically go to the MK of choice to complete hardcopy registration forms and submit supporting documents. From the coming 2019 MK Registration Exercise, on-site physical registration will be replaced with an online process. Parents will be able to register their child via the MK website at www.moe.gov.sg/moekindergarten/. This provides greater convenience and accessibility for parents as they no longer need to be physically present in the MK of choice.

3. Online registration for the 2019 MK Registration Exercise will open from 9am on 8 February 2019 to 4pm on 12 February 20191. Parents will be informed of the registration outcome by 10 April 2019.

Refinements to MK Admissions Framework

4. With the expansion of MKs into more primary schools, and in recognition of the convenience for parents if their children were to study at the same school premises, we will extend the current eligibility criteria for sibling priority for MK admission to children who have an older sibling in the entire age range from K1 to P6 of the MK/primary school.

5. To balance this expanded sibling priority group with MOE’s commitment to ensure that MKs continue to remain accessible to children from lower-income households, we will swap the current Priority Order 1 (PO1) for siblings with PO2, which reserves one-third of MK places for lower-income households. The new PO is as follows:

  • PO1 will reserve and allocate one-third of places to Singapore Citizen (SC) children from lower-income households living within 1km of the MK.
  • PO2 for SC and Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) children with siblings studying in K1 - P6 of the MK or primary school that the MK is located within, in the year of registration.

6. Finally, for the convenience of staff members of the MK and the primary school that the MK is located within, their children will be given priority within PO3 (for SC children) or PO4 (for SPR children). These changes will take effect from the 2019 MK Registration Exercise. For details on the updated MK Admissions Framework, please see Annex A.

2019 MK Registration Exercise

7. A total of 29 MKs will be participating in this year’s MK Registration Exercise for K1 admission in 2020. Registration is open to SC and SPR children born between 2 January 2015 and 1 January 2016, both dates inclusive.

8. Interested parents are invited to visit the MK open houses on 26 January and 9 February 2019, where they can tour the facilities and learn more about the MKs. Details of the open house for each MK are listed in Annex B.

9. For more information, please visit www.moe.gov.sg/moekindergarten or look through the Frequently Asked Questions.

  1. Parents without internet access can approach their MK of choice in person on 11 Feb 2019, from 9am to 4pm, and school staff will guide parents to complete the online registration.