Results of the Inaugural Social Science and Humanities Research Fellowship Call & 2018 Social Science Research Thematic Grant Call
Last Updated: 26 May 2019
1. The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) has awarded three promising young academics the inaugural Social Science and Humanities Research (SSHR) Fellowship, and also awarded four projects under the 2018 Social Science Research Thematic Grant (SSRTG).
2. Explaining the importance of the SSHR Fellowship, Chairman of the SSRC, Mr Peter Ho, said: “It remains a priority for the Council to build up the social science and humanities research ecosystem in Singapore, and cultivate an appreciation for its value in addressing issues of strategic relevance to Singapore and the region. The new SSHR Fellowship is an important SSRC initiative to support creative young local social science and humanities researchers. The awardees have established themselves as promising social scientists and humanists. I am encouraged by their good academic work and their commitment to delivering positive impact for our society.”
3. The SSHR Fellowship is a talent development scheme established by the SSRC to support promising Singaporean social science and humanities researchers in the autonomous universities (AUs). The scheme supports them in conducting high-quality social science and humanities research in the early stages of their academic career.
4. Following the launch of the SSHR Fellowship in 2018, the SSRC received 14 nominations. Of these, three applicants were found to have demonstrated potential to excel in their academic careers as research leaders in their respective fields, and have strong established research records. The awardees’ research programmes are grounded in issues of strategic and policy relevance to Singapore. Each awardee will receive research funds of up to $1 million over five years. More details on the awardees and their projects are in Annex A.
5. The SSRTG, first launched in 2016, is one of the SSRC’s key initiatives to support high-quality and impactful inter-disciplinary research pertaining to Singapore and Asia.
6. The 2018 SSRTG has been awarded to four projects with a total funding of about $5 million. These projects were selected from 46 proposals received from four institutions – National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, and Singapore University of Technology and Design. The projects were selected based on intellectual merit and their potential impact on and contribution to society and the economy. The synopses of the supported projects are in Annex B.
7. The 2019 grant call will support research under the following broad themes:
- The Future of Society;
- The Future Economy; and
- Open category.
8. The themes developed for the 2019 SSRTG call are geared towards furthering our understanding of how political, economic and social changes caused by globalisation and technological developments have led to uncertainties and complexities.
9. The SSRTG provides two tiers of funding for supported projects:
- Type A (S$100,000 to S$1 million for up to 3 years per project). This aims to support smaller-scale, investigator-led research in areas of strategic relevance.
- Type B (>S$1 million to S$10 million over 3 to 5 years per project). This aims to support research programmes that pursue more ambitious, inter-disciplinary research on issues of cross-cutting interest.
Details on the evaluation criteria are in Annex C.
10. Interested applicants can approach the research offices at their respective universities and eligible research institutes to obtain more details and submit their applications. The call for proposals will end on 7 August 2019.