Dual-Use Scheme Facilities to Remain Open Till Mid-March 2021
Last Updated: 28 Dec 2020
1. In line with the move to Phase Three of Singapore's reopening, and to continue to provide members of the public with access to sports facilities, selected chargeable fields (CFs) and Indoor Sports Halls (ISHs) under the Dual-Use Scheme (DUS) will remain open for public bookings on Saturdays and Sundays from 2 January 2021 to 14 March 2021. This follows the announcement by Sport Singapore (SportSG) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in November, to reopen these DUS facilities for the year-end school holidays.
2. During this period, members of the public will continue to have access to the 50 CFs and 119 ISHs located in 135 primary and secondary schools that were open during the year-end school holidays. Bookings for these sports facilities can be made in advance through the ActiveSG app from 29 December 2020.
3. The CFs will be open for public use from 3.00pm to 7.00pm on Saturdays, and 9.00am to 7.00pm on Sundays. The ISHs will be open for public use from 3.00pm to 9.00pm on Saturdays, and 9.00am to 7.00pm on Sundays. Public use of other DUS facilities, such as all DUS free-to-play fields and DUS courts not within the ISHs, will remain suspended.
4. Safe Management Measures (SMMs) will continue to be implemented in the reopened DUS facilities to minimise the risk of community transmission, and to ensure the safety of the public as well as school students and staff. The SMMs include:
SafeEntry and temperature taking;
At least 2m safe distancing between individuals in CFs and 3m distancing for high intensity exercises in ISH;
No intermingling and cross-playing between different groups;
Mandatory for hirer to be present during the time of play;
Use of DUS ISH for Badminton:
Maximum of eight persons and an additional instructor/coach per court are allowed into the ISHs; -
Use of DUS ISH for other sports (e.g. netball, volleyball, basketball and floorball):
Maximum of eight persons per group and an additional service provider (such as an instructor or coach) are allowed into the ISH. Multiple groups can share the court but must maintain 2m distancing between individuals and 3m distancing between groups; and -
Use of DUS CF:
Maximum of 50 persons are allowed on each CF with 3m distancing between groups of eight.
5. A Safe Distancing Ambassador and a facility warden will also be stationed at each facility to ensure that players observe the SMMs in place. In addition to the regular cleaning routine, all touch points within the facilities will be wiped down at the end of each day of public use.
6. SportSG will take strong action against individuals who fail to comply with the SMMs, including barring them from the use of all DUS and ActiveSG facilities. Public use of the affected facilities may also be suspended as a result of such non-compliance.
7. "We are happy to continue offering DUS facilities to members of the public to exercise and play with their families and friends. Over the school holiday period, we received positive feedback from our members who expressed their appreciation in having more spaces and opportunities to keep fit. We will continue to assess the COVID-19 situation and explore the possibility of opening more spaces progressively, while ensuring that the safety of our players, as well as school students and staff are not compromised. We urge all DUS facility users to continue leading an active lifestyle safely and responsibly, to minimise community transmissions." said Mr Sng Hock Lin, Chief of ActiveSG, SportSG.
8. Given the evolving COVID-19 situation, SportSG and MOE will jointly review the feasibility of extending public use of DUS facilities beyond 14 March 2021. For more information on the DUS facilities that will be open for public use, as well as the booking details, please refer to https://myactivesg.com. Full details of SportSG's SMMs can be found here: https://www.myactivesg.com/COVID-19.