Popular Nabil Nabilah Book Series Extended to Kindergarten Children to Promote Malay Language Learning
Last Updated: 22 Sep 2021
1. Second Minister for Education and Chairperson of the Malay Language Learning and Promotion Committee (MLLPC) Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman launched the Nabil Nabilah Reader Series for Kindergarten 1 and 2 children virtually on Wednesday, 22 September 2021.
2. Since the book series was first introduced in 2015 for Primary 1 and 2 pupils, its main characters Nabil and Nabilah have helped to promote a love for reading among students, and to develop their Malay literacy skills from a young age. The book series was extended to Primary 3 and 4 students in 2018, while a planned expansion to kindergarten children and Primary 5 and 6 pupils was announced in 2019.
3. The latest publication for kindergarten children is written by a group of Malay language pre-school educators, who have penned stories based on local culture and contexts, including aspects of Malay culture and folklore. The book series for pre-school children comprises a set of 20 storybooks, with ten titles for each kindergarten level, and will be distributed to all pre-schools that offer Malay language by October 2021.
4. In total, the full Nabil Nabilah Reader Series comprise 62 storybooks, catering to students ranging from pre-school to Primary 6. The book series has been published in both print and digital form, which can be found online at https://www.mllpc.sg. Parents can also tap on MLLPC's online worksheets as extra learning material to strengthen language learning at home.