Pre-School Teachers Recognised for Using Creative Stories to Spark Students' Interest in Chinese Language Learning
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2022
Imagine using tree leaves, twigs and bark to recreate a trek through a forest, experiencing the sights and sounds of an astronaut's journey across our solar system, or diving deep into the depths of the ocean. These are among some 260 creative storytelling ideas submitted for this year's Pre-school Chinese Language Story-telling Aids Competition, with the aim to make the Chinese language come alive for pre-schoolers.
2. 10 pre-schools received top awards for the competition from Ms Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State for Education and Manpower, and Chairperson of the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL), as well as Member of Parliament and CPCLL Pre-school Group Leader Mr Xie Yao Quan, at this year's Seminar for Pre-school Chinese Language Teachers. (See Annex for full list of award winners). Entries of all finalists will be featured in a virtual exhibition at:
3. At the event, Mr Xie also introduced CPCLL's new e-book《创意教具说故事》, a compilation of winning entries from the Story-telling Aids Competition from 2018 to 2020. The e-book is available on mobile app, Libby, for members of public to borrow.
4. Organised by the CPCLL and supported by the Early Childhood Development Agency and the National Institute of Early Childhood Development, the annual seminar aims to enhance the professional skills of pre-school Chinese language teachers, and empower them to create diverse and interesting teaching methods to enhance Chinese language learning.
5. Now in its 14th year, the seminar welcomed close to 1,000 pre-school Chinese language teachers and educationists, who participated in workshops held under the theme "Teaching and Learning Chinese Language Through Fun Games". Overseas early childhood experts delivered keynote addresses on play-based learning, to explore how it can build strong foundations in early childhood education, and encourage children's learning and development in the Chinese language. For more information about the CPCLL and its events, please visit