2023 MOE Kindergarten Open House and Registration Exercise
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2023
1. 55 MOE Kindergartens (MKs) will be participating in the 2023 MK Registration Exercise for Kindergarten 1 (K1) admission in 20241. For the first time since 2020, parents can look forward to attending MKs' open houses in person, to learn more about the individual MKs before the Registration Exercise in 2023.
MKs provide quality and affordable preschool education
2. The Government is committed to providing a good start for every child. MKs provide quality and affordable preschool education for children aged five to six. The MK curriculum is designed by curriculum specialists to nurture children holistically, so that they are confident, possess strong social skills and have a good foundation in literacy and numeracy. All MKs offer the three Mother Tongue Languages (MTLs) – Chinese, Malay and Tamil – to encourage bilingualism in the early years and help lay a strong foundation for language learning. For parents who require a full-day care service for their child, Kindergarten Care (KCare) services are available in all MKs.
3. MK children will also enjoy priority admission to the primary school that the MK is located within, subject to available vacancies2. MKs will work closely with their primary schools to smoothen and ease children's transition from Kindergarten to Primary 1 (P1).
Revised Income Eligibility Criteria for Priority Order 1 Registrants
4. From the 2023 MK Registration Exercise, the income cap to be eligible for Priority Order 1 registrants will be raised in view of rising income levels. To ensure that MKs remain accessible to children from lower-income households , one-third of MK K1 places will be reserved for Singapore Citizens (SCs) from households who live within 1km of the kindergarten with Gross Household Income (GHI) not exceeding $4,500 per month, or Per Capita Income (PCI) not exceeding $1,125 per month3. SCs from these eligible households would be admitted to MKs under Priority Order 1.
5. For more information on the Priority Order for admission to MK, parents may visit https://www.moe.gov.sg/preschool/moe-kindergarten/register/priority-admission.
Details of 2023 MK Registration Exercise
6. The 2023 MK Registration Exercise is open to SC and Permanent Resident (PR) children born between 2 January 2019 and 1 January 2020, both dates inclusive. Parents can register their child for admission to an MK via the MK website (www.moe.gov.sg/mk),4 from 9am on 17 February 2023 to 4pm on 21 February 2023. Parents will be informed of the registration outcome by 14 April 2023. Outside this registration period, parents can seek admission to K1 or K2 for their child by contacting the MK directly5 to check if there are vacancies.
2023 MK Open Houses
7. The 55 MKs participating in the 2023 MK Registration Exercise will hold their open houses on either 11 or 18 February 2023. Parents are encouraged to visit and learn more about each individual MK's curriculum, programmes, interactive learning environment and facilities as well as speak to the MK Educators. The open houses will allow parents to better understand the MKs before registering their child in their preferred MKs. The dates for each MK's Open House can be found in the Annex.
8. For more information on the 2023 MK Open House and Registration Exercise, please visit https://www.moe.gov.sg/preschool/moe-kindergarten.
This includes the 50 MKs currently in operation, and five new MKs that will be opening in 2024.
MK children are eligible for priority admission to the primary school that the MK is located within under Phase 2A in the P1 Registration Exercise. Like all children who may be eligible for priority admissions, placement into that primary school is not guaranteed and depends on the number of applicants and vacancies at the school during the P1 Registration Exercise.
Prior to the revision of the income eligibility criteria, one-third of MK places are reserved for SCs from households who live within 1km of the kindergarten with GHI not exceeding $3,500 per month or PCI not exceeding $875 per month.
Parents can contact their preferred MK directly should they require assistance during the registration period. More information on the MK Registration Exercise can be found on https://moe.gov.sg/faqs.
Contact details for the MKs can be found at MOE SchoolFinder (https://www.moe.gov.sg/schoolfinder-mk).