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Infosheet 2: Full SBB-related changes on SEC examination timetable, Polytechnic Year 1 admission criteria

Last Updated: 04 Mar 2024

News Press Releases

Changes to Singapore-Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) examination table

  • Please refer to Figure A for the comparison between the current GCE N(T)/N(A) and O-Level examination timetable, and SEC examination timetable which will be implemented from 2027.

Figure A

  Current From 2027
  GCE N-Level Examinations GCE O-Level Examinations SEC Examinations
Non-written exam components, e.g., oral, listening comprehension, practical exams These exams will continue to be held before the start of the written exams.
English Language
written exams
Held together with other written exams for N- or O-Level subjects respectively. Held in September alongside MTL written exams.
MTL written exams Held in one exam sitting for N(A) and N(T) MTL Held in two exam sittings: one during mid-year, one during O-Level written exams period. G1/G2/G3 MTL and G3 Higher MTL exam held in one sitting in September alongside EL written exams.
Other written exams  Held in mid-September to mid-October Held in mid-October to mid-November  One common exam period, starting in October.
Results release Held in mid-December Held in mid-January of the following year   One common results release, held in January of the following year.

  • For admission to Polytechnic Year 1 from the 2028 intake, students will be able to offer one [B] subject at G2. With this change, all students will be assessed on a common benchmark of four G3 subjects and one G2 subject, instead of five G3 subjects. Students who offer both [B] subjects at G3 will have their [B] subject with a lower grade mapped from G3 to G2 based on an empirically validated grade mapping table (see Figure B).

Figure B

Grade Mapping Table (G3 to G2)
G3 G2
A1, A2, B3  1
 B4, C5, C6  2
 D7 3
 E8 4
 9 5
 - 6
  • Correspondingly, the net aggregate cut-off for admission to Polytechnic Year 1 will be adjusted from 26 points to 22 points. For Nursing courses, the net aggregate cut-off for admission will be adjusted from 28 points to 24 points.
  • These changes will allow students to take greater ownership of their learning by taking subject combinations at subject levels based on their strengths, interests and learning needs. Students can also better manage their overall curriculum load in secondary school without compromising their access to polytechnic education.
  • Secondary schools and polytechnics will continue to provide Education and Career Guidance (ECG) to support students. Students who require more targeted ECG support can approach their teachers and lecturers for advice, or approach ECG counsellors for individual or group counselling.