Infosheet 1: Revised Junior College (JC) Admission Criteria
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2025
As part of the Ministry of Education's (MOE) efforts to broaden definitions of success beyond academic achievements and encourage holistic development in our students, MOE will revise the JC admission criteria from the 2028 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), by reducing the number of subjects required for JC admission. With this change, students will have more scope to recalibrate their curriculum load by offering one fewer subject, and to use the freed-up time from offering one fewer subject to strengthen their development of 21st Century Competencies and pursue other interests.
Details of revised JC admission criteriaRationale for Revision
Shift from L1R5 to L1R4
Bonus Point System
- Under the current L1R5 aggregate score computation, students must include the following subjects: (i) First Language (L1) – either English Language or Higher Mother Tongue, and (ii) Relevant Subjects (R5) – three relevant subjects (must comprise two Mathematics/Science subjects and one Humanities subject, or vice versa; these exclude applied subjects less relevant to the JC curriculum, such as Design and Technology, and Nutrition and Food Science) and two other best-scoring subjects.
- Passing rates refer to the percentage of A-Level students with at least three A-Level/H2 passes, and a pass in General Paper (GP) or Knowledge and Inquiry (KI).
- Bonus points are subtracted from the gross aggregate score to obtain the net aggregate score for JAE posting.