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Speech by Ms Low Yen Ling, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Manpower, at the Cultural Heritage Walk 2018 at Kreta Ayer Square

Last Updated: 30 Jun 2018

News Speeches






1. 大家早上好!很高兴大家在这个美丽的星期六早晨,一起团聚在这里,携手出发“走出校园,走进文化”!

2. 这项由推广华文学习委员会,和宗乡会馆联合总会联办的活动,今年已经迈入第三个年头,除了深受老师和同学们的欢迎,还得到我们志愿导览学生的支持。因此我们再接再厉。从学长们的反馈,我们了解到学生最喜欢的是互动元素,今年,便在活动中加入更多互动的元素。希望同学们能够在参访的过程当中,学以致用,让语言的学习融入生活,也让生活启发语言的学习,让学生们从更多的角度,认识我国独特的历史和文化,引导学生们学习华文华语。

3. 其实大家只要细心观察,就会发现我们周围充满着许多有趣好玩、又充满历史文化气息的地方,等待着我们去深入发掘和了解。大家今天要参访的牛车水和武吉巴梳一带,就是新加坡早期发展的核心区之一,有着多元种族、多元文化的特色,俨然是个小小新加坡。

4. 今天的活动分三条路线,同学有机会参观华族文化地标,还能够到印度同胞的兴都庙,马来同胞的回教堂,以及外国文化机构等等参访。让大家在深入了解自己传统文化的同时,也有机会认识其他族群的文化特色。

5. 刚才提到今年的活动加入了更多的互动元素,。那么,每一条路线都设有至少一到两个互动环节。互动环节包括:晋江会馆的传统木偶,岡州会馆的粤曲演唱。在永定会馆,同学们还有机会试穿客家的传统服饰!我本身是客家人,很高兴同学们有这样精彩的机会,认识客家文化。待会儿到永定会馆,同学一定要大胆尝试,踊跃参与哦!

6. 这三年来“走出校园,走进文化”的活动,能够圆满成功举办,要特别感谢宗乡总会,连同12个宗教团体以及文化机构的鼎力支持。感谢大家共同参与,为同学们精心策划了这项活动,让他们有机会通过独特的体验,走入先辈的生活,认识我国的历史和文化,更加珍惜我们今天所拥有的种族和谐与社会繁荣。

7. 除此之外,我也要感谢我们的学生志愿者,以及来自理工学院和大学的义务导览员。在我们的导览学生当中,有几位连续几年都来我们的活动帮忙。希望在场的500位学生当中,在不久的将来,你们能继续参与我们的活动,以导览学生的身份帮助学弟学妹们。在此,我要特别表扬王振湧同学,他从第一届活动开始,连续3年都来担任我们的导览员。他的投入和热忱,真的令我们非常感动。让我们以掌声感谢王振湧同学。另外还有林莹、钟靖怡、吴松蔚同学,今年是他们第二年来参与我们的活动。

8. 很高兴这项活动也培养了同学们对导览的兴趣,最重要的是就算你们升上大学,其实也可以通过这样的活动,继续学习华文华语。相信在导览的过程中,大家对本土文化,也一定有更深入的了解和体会。希望大家能够通过中文导览,和学弟学妹们近距离分享大家学习历史文化,学习华文华语的心得!让大家对今天的学习活动,留下更加深刻的印象。

9. 最后,让我祝愿“走出校园,走进文化”活动,能够一年比一年好,也希望各位同学能够进一步和家人朋友和同学们,分享今天独特的学习体验,分享学习华文华语的乐趣,让我们一起爱上华文! 好,我的华语致辞就到这里。接下来,请容许我以英语做简短发言。

Good morning to all guests, teachers and students!

1. I am very happy to be here today at the annual Heritage Cultural Walk co-organised by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL) and Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA). Into its third consecutive year, the Heritage Cultural Walk has been well-received by students, whose appreciation of and interest in our local culture has been enhanced through this experiential journey.

2. This year, the organisers have again worked tirelessly to put together yet another enriching journey for our students. They hope that the students will experience the joy of learning the Chinese Language through these fun, meaningful, interactive and meaningful activities.

3. There is an old saying in Chinese – “读万卷书、行万里`”. Reading opens up new worlds of knowledge and our travels become our teachers. By reading widely and broadening our experiences, we learn more than just a language. It is not just a subject but a medium to communicate with one another, also to understand our culture and values, we also discover its significance and power. The Heritage Cultural Walk immerses our students in places rich in history, such as Chinatown and Bukit Pasoh. This out-of-the-classroom experiential learning will deepens students' impression, besides widening our students’ cultural exposure, it also deepens their understanding of Singapore’s past.

4. Apart from Chinese cultural landmarks, the students will also be visiting other religious and cultural institutions such as the Masjid Jamae, Sri Layan Sithi Vinayagar Temple and Goethe Institut. We hope this broadens their understanding of other races and deepens their appreciation of our nation’s multi-cultural, multi-racial diversity. Throughout the visits, there will be hands-on activities to enrich the students’ experiential learning.

5. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and our 12 hosts for their ardent support over the past 3 years. We are grateful for your time and effort in making this event a meaningful one for our students.

6. I would also like to thank the teachers and students from the 12 secondary schools for taking part in the event, and the student volunteers from the various secondary schools for helping out.

7. Last but not least, a big thank you to the volunteers from the polytechnics and universities, for leading and guiding your juniors in this walk. It is heartening to see some of you come back yearly to help in this meaningful event. In particular, Ong Zhen Yong Bennett has served as a guide for 3 consecutive years; Lin Ying, Chong Jing Yi and Goh Song Wei volunteered for the 2nd consecutive year. Thank you!

8. I wish all of you a fruitful and enriching learning journey this morning!

9. Thank you!