1. Good afternoon everyone! It’s nice to see so many of you here on a Sunday afternoon. Like you, I am looking forward to knowing the results of the competition.
2. I understand our students' journey began in August last year, when you first submitted your stories. Let me congratulate all our participants for the good work you have put in to develop your ideas and transform them into creative animation clips.
3. This year, we have expanded the competition to include youths between the ages of 17-25. I am glad to see a good mix of teams from the universities, polytechnics and secondary schools in the finals.
4. Now into its thirteenth year, N.E.mation! is not just a competition. It helps to raise awareness among our youth on the importance of total defence through a fun and interactive format, by giving them a platform to express their creative ideas. The animation clips also help to spread the Total Defence message to our population, and remind us why the ability to defend ourselves is essential to Singapore’s survival and success.
5. In his recent Budget Speech, Finance Minister, Mr Heng Swee Keat highlighted the importance of Total Defence to Singapore’s security and sovereignty, and how every Singaporean plays a part in safeguarding our home. This is consistent with the theme for Total Defence and N.E.mation! which is “Together We Keep Singapore Strong”.
6. To ensure that we are ready to deal with emerging threats, Total Defence is now strengthened with a sixth pillar – Digital Defence. As the world changes, people don’t just attack us with traditional warfare but with cyber warfare as well, hence the need for this new pillar. Launched on Total Defence Day on 15 February this year, Digital Defence reminds Singaporeans that we need to play our part to be alert and responsible online, to defend and protect ourselves against digital threats like cyberattacks, fake news and cybercrimes.
7. In the Student Category, Team ‘COCA’ from CHIJ Katong Convent had produced the clip “Digital Defenders”, which teaches the audience how to identify online threats like cyber scams and fake news. In the Youth Category, Team ‘N.E.thing is Possible’ from NTU wrote a catchy rap to accompany their clip “Gone Phishing”, which tells about the perils of online phishing. Another team from NYP, Team SnowyPeak’s, did a thought-provoking clip titled “Misinformation Mania”, which highlights what we should do when we encounter fake sensational news.
8. Congratulations to all participants for a job well done! I would also like to thank everyone – teachers, family members and friends – for giving the teams your strong support throughout the NE.mation! journey.
9. I hope that all of you continue to be advocates of Total Defence and put Total Defence into action.
10. Thank you.