我们的合作伙伴,新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会 会长 陈奕福先生,宗乡会馆联合总会全体同仁
Representatives from our partner religious and cultural organisations
1. 很高兴在这个星期六的一大清早,能够和大家一起聚在这里,参加第四届的“走出校园,走进文化”学习之旅!
2. 这项由推广华文学习委员会,和宗乡会馆联合总会联办的活动,从2016年第一次举办以来,每一年都得到老师和学生的踊跃参与。今年恰逢新加坡欢庆开埠两百周年,因此这项活动显得更加有意义。今天到来参加同学们比前三届的同学幸运,大家走一趟3、4个小时的学习之旅,就等于是把新加坡开埠两百周年的历史,完完整整的走一遍。例如我们今天要参观的牛车水和武吉巴梳一带,就是新加坡早期发展的核心地带,具有多元种族、多元文化的特色。有阅读报章、看新闻的同学,就知道可能全球就只有在新加坡这么一个小小的岛国,在牛车水一带,能够看到这么多族群聚集在一起。
3. 此外,为了配合开埠两百周年,我们秘书处、工委会还特别增设了“新加坡开埠两百周年有奖竞赛”,考一考同学们对新加坡历史的认识。我们都知道同学们喜欢有点竞争,看一看自己的能力到哪里。在完成每条路线中所设计的问答题以及任务之后,积分最高的小组就会赢得丰富的奖品,大家一定要好好表现哦!
4. 今年,为了让同学们在各个站点都有充裕的时间参观,我们将活动分为四条路线,每条路线包括3个站点,充分体现了不同族群和文化的特色。我记得前三年有五条路线,四个站点,我们觉得太多了,今年就浓缩成三个站点,让同学们在每个站点有多一点时间参与活动。除了参观,同学们还有动手参与的机会,例如在晋江会馆的福建传统木偶,精武体育会的太极,湘灵音乐社的“四宝”,颜氏公会的书法等等,应有尽有。在永定会馆,同学们还有机会学习制作客家手工面!待会儿除了细心的聆听,大家一定要大胆尝试,踊跃参与哦!
5. 这四年来的“走出校园,走进文化”活动能够圆满成功举行,教育部推广华文学习委员会特别要感谢宗乡总会,以及12个宗教团体及文化机构的鼎力支持。也感谢大家共同为500位学生们精心策划这项充满教育意义又十分有趣的活动,让同学们有机会通过今天的活动穿越时空、走出校园、走入历史,走进文化,走入先辈们的生活。通过独特的体验,加深对我国历史文化的认识,更珍惜我们今天所拥有的繁荣、进步与和谐的社会。
6. 除此之外,也让我们感谢学生志愿者,以及来自理工学院和大学的大哥哥和大姐姐们,谢谢他们带领学弟学妹们一起探索,分享学习历史文化和华文华语的心得,让我们把掌声送给我们的义工们,谢谢!其实有一些大哥哥大姐姐在几年前参加了学习之旅,所以也希望你们几年后会回到这里,以大哥哥和大姐姐的身份回馈和帮助我们的中学生。在这里,教育部也要特别感谢来自14所学校的同学们、老师们、校长们、副校长们,感谢你们的支持!
7. 最后,我代表推广华文学习委员会衷心预祝今天的活动圆满成功,也希望大家今天走出校园、走入历史、走进文化之后,能够亲身体会到学习华文华语的乐趣,爱上华文!
8. 接下来,请容许我以英语做简短发言。
A very good morning to all our guests, President of SFCCA, and all our teachers and students.
1. I am really happy to be here today at the 4th Heritage Cultural Walk co-organised by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL) and Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA). Into its 4th year, the Heritage Cultural Walk has been well-received by your seniors and your teachers. I hope, also by 500 of our students. We hope that through simple half-day learning journey, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of Singapore’s very unique history and culture.
2. This year, you are especially fortunate, compared to your predecessors during the first few runs, because to tie in with the Singapore Bicentennial Commemoration, the organisers have introduced a contest. All you have to do is answer the questions and complete the tasks related to Singapore history. By the mere fact that you attend history lessons, I think it gives you a certain foundation. The questions and tasks will be related to Singapore history and culture at each station for you to have a chance to win attractive prizes.
3. In addition, there will be 4 different routes with 3 stations each. We have distilled it from 4 stations to 3 stations to give you more time to take part in the experiential and fun activities at the various local clans, cultural and heritage sites. The participation of Masjid Jamae, Sri Layan Sithi Vinayagar Temple and Goethe Institut provides another dimension for students to appreciate the multi-cultural diversity uniquely found in Singapore. We do this every year in the hope this will broaden their understanding of other races and deepen their appreciation of our nation’s unique melting pot. Throughout this learning journey, other than listening, there will be hands-on activities to enrich the your experiential learning, we think that allows us to remember the experience and the culture better.
4. I would like to take this opportunity to represent MOE and also CPCLL, to thank everyone in SFCCA and also our 12 hosts for their wonderful support. This would not have been possible without your support from the beginning We are grateful for your time and effort in making this event a very meaningful one for the 500 students and teachers today.
5. And of course, I would also like to thank the 500 students and teachers who have taken time out of a very precious Saturday to be here with us. I also want to thank our student volunteers from the Polytechnics, from secondary schools and also from the universities, and the student volunteers from Fuhua Secondary School for rendering help as road marshals and first aiders. This event would not have been possible without your support and participation, a very big thank you.
6. Last but not least, a big thank you to all the volunteers who’ve been with us since 2016, thank you for leading the juniors in this walk, and I too hope our 480 students today, a good number of you, will take it upon yourself to come back at some point in time and join us in a future edition of the Cultural Heritage Walk, like what your seniors have done, and to give back to your juniors, and to give back to the education landscape, and to give back to the Chinese community.
7. On this note, I wish all of you a fruitful and enriching learning journey.
8. Thank you very much!