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Speech by Second Minister for Education Dr Maliki Osman at the 3rd Silver Ribbon Mental Health Awards Ceremony for Schools

Last Updated: 06 Dec 2022

News Speeches

Ms Ellen Lee, President of Silver Ribbon Singapore

Teachers, students, ladies and gentlemen

1. Good afternoon. Happy to join you at the third Silver Ribbon Mental Health Awards Ceremony for Schools.

Encouraging Preventive Care for Mental Health

2. The findings from your most recent Silver Ribbon Mental Health Survey are a timely reminder that it is important to exercise preventive care for our mental health.

  1. From your survey, only 37% of respondents said they would seek help immediately if they experience mental health conditions. The rest would do so only if their condition starts affecting other aspects of their life.
  2. We should pay close attention to this data point, and work together to figure out how we can encourage those facing mental health conditions to seek help early, instead of delaying.
  3. As a society, we should encourage a mindset shift towards treating mental health like how we do for our physical health. Just as how it is second nature for us to see the doctor and seek treatment for physical ailments, can we make it second nature for those facing mental health issues to seek professional help early? Can we help each other to recognise and understand that mental conditions are not something to fear, but something we can identify early, mitigate, and treat?

3. This is a society-wide issue, which will require a whole-of-society effort to resolve. Fortunately, good and meaningful work is already being done at various levels to tackle the issue.

4. On the Government's part, we have set up an interagency taskforce to oversee and coordinate mental health and well-being efforts, focusing on cross-cutting issues that require collaborations across agencies. The recommendations proposed by the taskforce aim to create a more caring and inclusive society, where all can seek help, be supported to achieve mental health and well-being, and participate meaningfully in our society.

  1. The taskforce has conducted a landscape review of existing mental health and well-being efforts and gaps, and has proposed recommendations identified across three focus areas. Let me elaborate on the areas:
    1. First, to improve accessibility, coordination and quality of mental health services;
    2. Second, to strengthen services and support for youth mental well-being;
    3. And third, to improve workplace well-being measures and employment support.

5. At the Ministry of Education, we have been stepping up our own efforts to support our students' mental well-being. Our teachers have been trained in mental health literacy, more counsellors have been deployed to our schools, and mental health education has been a key component of our refreshed Character and Citizenship Education curriculum since last year.

6. Our schools have also been active in the promotion of mental health and well-being. I am happy to know that more schools have been recognised by Silver Ribbon for their efforts. We had five schools who won these awards in 2020, nine in 2021, and today we have 13 schools receiving the awards. I do hope we will see even more next year.

7. Let me take this opportunity to share some of the good work done by our schools.

  1. For example, Woodgrove Primary School. They have taken steps to raise awareness on mental well-being by displaying motivational posters throughout the school, and conducting programmes to teach students how to cope with stress and build resilience.
  2. Nan Chiau High School regularly conducts talks and workshops on mental health for their students, which includes topics like reducing academic stress. The school also set up a sensory room on World Mental Health Day this year for students to learn how to maintain their mental and emotional well-being.
  3. Another example is ITE College Central, which conducts interest-based activities like growing a hydroponic vegetable garden to encourage bonding between staff and students, and promote mental well-being.

8. At this juncture, I must add that the work done by our schools are only possible with the dedication and effort of our teachers. At MOE, we are fully committed to supporting the well-being of our educators too. They undertake a noble duty to shape the future of our nation, and it matters greatly to us that their well-being and professional development are taken care of.

  1. This is why we pay close attention to teachers' workload. We have reduced their administrative work by tapping on technology to streamline processes. Today, schools are supported by allied educators who can perform various functions like counselling and working with students with additional needs.
  2. There are other initiatives like school committees that dedicate attention to promoting staff well-being. MOE's HR team also works closely with the teachers' unions to discuss and resolve feedback and concerns raised by educators.
  3. Furthermore, we're also in the midst of school holidays now, which provide time for teachers to rest and recharge.

Strengthening Partnerships to Promote Mental Well-Being

9. We can achieve a multiplier effect if we amplify and strengthen all these existing efforts through partnerships.

  1. For example, our schools have been working with parent support groups to organise discussions and workshops with parent communities to help them discover ways to help their children navigate issues ranging from academics to student well-being. At the start of this year, MOE also launched an online mental health resource guide for parent support groups to guide fellow parents on supporting their children's mental well-being.

10. On a broader level, we have the SG Mental Well-Being Network, which was expanded from the previous Youth Mental Well-Being Network. This expanded Network aims to strengthen partnerships across society, and one of its initiatives will see citizens and volunteers being equipped with skills to provide socio-emotional support for those with mental health needs.

11. Furthermore, partners like Silver Ribbon Singapore play a crucial and indispensable role towards strengthening this network of support for Singaporeans. We appreciate your efforts to promote mental health and well-being across schools, workplaces, and the wider community. Your efforts contribute to our vision for Singapore to become a more fair and inclusive society, and I look forward to seeing Silver Ribbon go from strength to strength.

12. Discussions surrounding mental health and well-being are also part of the ongoing Forward Singapore exercise, where we will listen to views and suggestions as part of our wider effort to refresh Singapore's social compact.


13. In closing, I believe that with these efforts and initiatives in place, we are in a good position to strengthen our network of support for persons with mental health conditions. Together, we can engender a societal shift away from stigma towards mental health issues, and towards a deeper understanding of how we can identify and treat mental health conditions.

14. My congratulations once again to all our winners today. Thank you for your efforts towards nurturing a generation of healthy and resilient children.

15. Thank you, and I look forward to the sharing by our award recipients later. Have a pleasant day ahead.