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Keynote Address by Minister Chan Chun Sing at the Singapore-China Young Global Leaders Forum 2025 at the Institute of Technical Education College East Auditorium

Last Updated: 06 Feb 2025

News Speeches

1. A very good morning to all of you. A special warm welcome to our guests from China who have joined us from afar.

2. Today is a special occasion as this year is the 35th anniversary of Singapore and the People's Republic of China (PRC)'s diplomatic relationship. But the relationship between Singapore and the PRC goes back way beyond 35 years. Many of us share the same background and cultural roots, yet we have walked different paths in our nation-building journeys.

3. Today, when we talk about the relationship between Singapore and China, it is both broad and deep.

4. Broad in the sense that the areas of cooperation range from security, economics to social and cultural. It is also deep because there are many platforms in between Singapore and China that are very unique, notwithstanding the differences in our cultures, historical context, geographical size and so on.

5. Today, I want to share a reflection with all the youths here, be it whether you are from China or from Singapore.

6. Why is it that two countries with such differences in history, culture, geography, resources, are so different, and yet we are able to share so many things in ways that are perhaps quite unique?

7. For example, I chair the Leadership Forum with the Chinese Organisation Department. We are about the only country at such forums that speak Mandarin.

8. We also have various Government to Government projects and provincial councils to help us advance our economic cooperation. One of the many reasons that we are able to do this is because of the mutual trust that we have with one another.

Strong Bilateral Collaboration for a Sustainable Future

9. A mutual trust founded upon a deep understanding of one another, not making the assumption that just because we share some similarities in our cultural backgrounds, or even the language used, that therefore we are similar.

10. It is on this note that I will encourage all the students from Singapore and China to purposefully understand the similarities and the differences between the two countries – and at the same time, develop a deep sense of trust. Only with this deep sense of trust that can we do more and greater things in the days ahead.

11. Today, for many of the youths in this hall, while our countries may be different, you will be facing similar challenges - be it climate change, the global fragmentated security order, the global fragile economic order, ageing, the rapidly changing technology in society, so on and so forth.

12. But in order for us to solve or manage some of these challenges together, and have more and deeper cooperation in the future, we will need to have a deep sense of understanding of one another.

Empowering the Next Generation of Youth Leaders

13. For the Singaporean students in the audience, it is important for us to remember that China is not monolithic. China is 1.3 billion strong, with vast land mass. Beijing and Shanghai will be quite different from Guangzhou or elsewhere.

14. It is incumbent upon us to read, travel and make friends widely so that we truly understand the nuances of the Chinese society beyond the major cities. Only when we do so, can we have real value propositions for future means of cooperation. Never make the assumption that China is monolithic.

15. For the Chinese students who are in Singapore, perhaps for the first time today, you will also understand and appreciate that even though in Singapore there are many descendants of Chinese immigrants, the culture is also quite different from China. Even the language we use may be quite different from that which is used China. Singapore will be a platform for Chinese students not to just appreciate our country, but to appreciate the diversity of Southeast Asia.

16. Through Singapore, you may also be able to better understand Southeast Asia. We encourage you to use the opportunity to appreciate and understand the diversity of the Singapore society, notwithstanding the difference in size, and to use this event as a platform to understand the wider Southeast Asian societies, which has its own challenges and opportunities.

17. Only when our youths spend the time and effort to truly understand one another in depth, will we plant the seeds for future cooperation. Never make the assumption that we are similar. But differences do not mean that we cannot work together.

18. In fact, because we are different, we bring a diversity of strengths to the partnership. We bring different perspectives, but we do it with mutual respect and deep understanding of each other's needs and problems. It is on that basis that I look forward to the youths of this generation continuing to carry the flame of future cooperation in the years to come.

19. Compared to previous generations, there was much less that brought us together. For this generation, in both China and Singapore, we have many more opportunities to work together and deeply understand one another, working towards not just solving and managing our domestic issues or improving our bilateral relationships, but also making a contribution to the rest of the world.

20. On that note, I wish you all the very best in your onward journey to get to know one another and to find various areas for cooperation - and for us to plant the seeds of cooperation in the years to come.

21. Let me say a few words in Mandarin.


22. 首先,欢迎在场的中国学生来到新加坡。

23. 今天,新加坡与中国在许多领域上有合作以及交流。两国间如此紧密的关系来之不易,这是我们上一代前辈辛勤播下的种子。我们也希望每一代的年轻人能在这个基础之上,也播撒下新的合作之种,使两国人民和两国之间的关系不断提升。

24. 虽然新加坡与中国有着不一样的国情,但是我们面对许多共同的挑战,例如:全球气候变化、社会老龄化、经济、地缘政治等。基于两国不同的国情,两国的青年有各自的想法、看法、和能力,而这些不同恰恰促使两国发掘新的合作方向。

25. 新中两国紧密关系的基础在于互信。两国的人员交流不限于两国领导人,也包括了新中两国的学生。因为相互之间的深厚信任,我们才能持续推动新一波合作的机会。

26. 中国的城市不仅有北京和上海,新加坡也不仅是个华族社会。因此两国都要努力地去了解对方,彼此的观点和想法,才能让我们在未来更多的合作上达成共赢。

27. 今天,新加坡与中国的关系非常紧密以及广泛,但是我们也对下一代寄予希望。相信新一代的新加坡和中国青年能够找到新的合作机遇。新一代年轻人的合作不仅仅是要克服两国国内的问题或面对双边挑战,更重要的是能够通过合作,共同为国际社会做出贡献。

28. 我鼓励在场的学生们抓住交流的机会,深入了解两国的民情,共同发现彼此的共同之处与独特差异。在这个交流的基础上,发掘好点子,把两国的友谊和合作带到一个新的高峰。

29. 年轻人都是国家的未来。照顾好这一代人的福祉很重要,但同样不可忽视的是打好基础,为下一代创造更多携手合作的机会、共同面对并克服挑战,从而让下一代过得比我们更好。

30. 最后,再次欢迎中国学生来到新加坡,希望你们能够抓住机会与更多的新加坡学生互动、交流,为两国的明天再创辉煌。谢谢大家!