Last Updated: 22 Apr 2024
St. Margaret's School (Primary)
The school is currently located at a temporary site, 2 Mattar Road S(387724), due to upgrading. It will move back to its permanent location at 136 Sophia Road S(228197) in December 2024. The permanent site will continue to be used to determine the home-school distance for Primary 1 registration during the relocation period.
- Art
- Chinese Language
- English Language
- Higher Chinese Language
- Higher Malay Language
- Higher Tamil Language
- Mathematics
- Malay Language
- Music
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Tamil Language
- The H.E.A.R.T of Communication (Heart, Head and Hands and Ears through Application in Real-life situations and Tiered)
- Sports A. C². E: Sports for All; Sports for Continuity & Character; Sports for Excellence
- Netball (Girls)
- Tennis (Girls)
- Bowling (Girls)
- Girls' Brigade (Girls)
- Girl Guides (Brownies) (Girls)
- Choir (Girls)
- Chinese Dance (Girls)
- Special Educational Needs Officers
- P1 TRANSIT (Social and Behavioural Needs)
Affiliations | St. Margaret's School (Secondary) | |
About | School mode:Single session | School nature:Girls School |
School type:Government-Aided School | School fees:Check monthly school fees | |
Contact | Phone: 6339 4247 Email: | Website: |