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MINDS Woodlands Gardens School

Find out more about life in MINDS Woodlands Gardens School and its programmes.

Vision: School of excellence where every individual matters.

Mission: To provide a vibrant learning environment that inspires students towards independence and integration into society.

Values: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care and Harmony

Motto: To be the best

General information
Area: Woodlands
Address: 30 Woodlands Ring Road, #01-01, Singapore 737883
Telephone no.
6468 0566
Special needs catered for
Moderate to severe intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder
Age range
7 to 18 years old
Curriculum offered
School mode
Double session
Services offered
  • School bus transport
  • After-school student care
School fees
Contact the school directly for more information.
School tours
Date and time
  • Friday, 16 May 2025 (9am to 11am)
  • Friday, 18 July 2025 (2pm to 4pm)
  • Friday, 15 August 2025 (9am to 11am)
  • Friday, 19 September 2025 (2pm to 4pm)
  • Physical
  • 30 Woodlands Ring Road #01-01
    Singapore 737883
Contact information 
How to register
Admissions timeline
Primary 1 (2026 cohort)
  • Application deadline: 31 July 2025
  • Application start date: 1 January 2025
  • Intake assessment period: During school term time, excluding holidays.
  • Start of school: January 2026, unless the school informs otherwise.
Other levels (2025 cohort)
  • Application deadline: No deadline. Application closes when all vacancies are filled.
  • Application start date: 1 January 2025
  • Intake assessment period: During school term time, excluding holidays.
  • Start of school: To be advised by the school.
PaPa Reading
Rolled out in 2016 to encourage parents, especially fathers, to cultivate a reading habit with their children at home. WGS provides small reading booklets for students to bring home to read with their fathers.
Extended Vocational Training
Provides the additional time for students to train and work on their social and vocational skills in school. Certain WSQ skills are also incorporated into this programme. These WSQ skills include ‘Food and Beverage Safety and Hygiene Policies and Procedures’ and ‘Performing Basic Cleaning of Hard Floor Surfaces’.
Immersion Programme
This programme allows our Junior Level students to learn beyond school with their mainstream peers. They join their peers for selected activities and learn together. These include Art and Craft activities, Music and Movement, and Day Camp activities.
MaMa Programme (Mathematics Mastery)
From junior level, students experience and learn different topics in Mathematics which serve as stepping stones for them to reach experiential level in senior level.
Kopi Connect
A monthly platform providing an authentic learning experience for students to put their skills to use, to prepare food and beverages and then serve and connect with the elderly.
Vocational Assessment Development (VAD) Programme
WGS implemented this programme to help students through Vocational Assessment and Development to identify and support their areas of improvement in order to be ready for post school.
Green Movement
Students are involved in various activities that promote awareness and care of the environment in and beyond school. WGS has received several accolades because of the commitment from staff and students.
Learning domains
Primary / Junior
  • Language / Communication
  • ICT
  • Mathematics
  • General Science
  • Social Studies
  • Social Development
  • Personal Care / Health Education
  • Domestic Science
  • Physical Education
  • Art and Craft / Music
  • Travel / Recreational Skills
Secondary / Senior
  • Language / Communication
  • ICT
  • Mathematics
  • General Science
  • Social Studies
  • Social Development
  • Personal Care / Health Education
  • Domestic Science
  • Physical Education
  • Art and Craft / Music
  • Travel/ Recreational Skills
  • Vocational Skills
Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
  • Sports
  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Scouts
  • Recreational Club
Muhammad Asyraf Bin Abu Zarim
Alumni (Graduated in 2019)

Muhammad Asyraf Bin Abu Zarim - Woodlands Gardens School
Asyraf, then a shy and soft-spoken student, was placed with Swensens for his work attachment during his final year at school. His work mainly involved clearing tables and serving water to customers. However, the manager recognised that he had the potential for other tasks and assigned him to work as a food server. Asyraf performed so well that he was offered a part-time job and he continued to work there even after graduation.

Due to Asyraf’s diligence as well as the support from the various stakeholders, he was converted to a full-time service crew member in early 2020. Since then, Asyraf has grown to be a more confident young adult who enjoys his work very much.

Ng Ming Yee Nicole
Senior Level (Graduated in 2020)

Ng Ming Yee Nicole - Woodlands Gardens School
Nicole used to be a very passive student who needed frequent promptings in order to perform her work. Now, she is independent in her daily living skills and is able to make requests; and reach out to others for help.

Nicole is also able to purchase food by making choices in what she wants to eat, and then pay for the food and keep the change in her purse. Besides this, she has improved in her stamina and focus when attending vocational training lessons. She is able to carry out her assigned task with focus and relies less on step-by-step instructions from teachers.

Teachers and parents have been collaborating closely for the past year preparing Nicole to be ready for Sheltered Employment at one of MINDS Employment and Development Centres. The school has plans in the pipeline for Nicole to practise independent travelling within the neighbourhood, However, this plan has been temporarily put in hold due to COVID-19. In the meantime, her mother has decided to spend more time with Nicole at home, to reinforce the skills learnt in school, so that she continues to progress well.

Yu Chen Xi
Junior Level

Yu Chen Xi - Woodlands Gardens School
When Chen Xi first joined Woodlands Gardens School in 2017, she was only able to speak Mandarin and the language barrier led to her being withdrawn as a student. Now that she has learnt to communicate in English, she is one of the more independent students in class who graciously helps teachers to run errands.

Chen Xi is a confident student and able to perform her assigned duties well. She is more aware of her surroundings and is able to carry out tasks that involve multi-steps instructions, as well as communicate her needs and wants to teachers either verbally or with picture cards.
All information listed above is provided by the school. Visit the school's website or contact them to find out more.