Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024
Our organisation structure
Find out about our political office holders, senior management, organisation structure and the key functions of each group and division.
Political Office Holders
Senior Management Organisation Chart

Our Divisions
21st Century Competencies Office
Provides leadership on the development of 21CC in our education system.
Academy of Singapore Teachers
Champions the professional development of MOE staff.
Communications and Engagement Group (CEG)
Actively engages MOE’s key internal and public stakeholders to support policy implementation and understanding.
Curriculum Planning and Development Division
Is responsible for effecting a national curriculum that enables our young to lead purposeful lives. The national curriculum aims to build a strong foundation in our students, prepare them to be future ready, and inspire them to learn for life.
Curriculum Policy Office
Shapes the national curriculum through the development and review of curriculum and examination policies.
Educational Technology Division
Drives the application of technology to support and enhance learning.
Finance and Procurement Division
Formulates and manages all policies concerning budget, fees and funding. It also handles procurement and tender related matters for individual schools and the main MOE HQ office.
Higher Education Group
Oversees the autonomous universities, polytechnics, Institute of Technical Education, Arts Institutions, and private education institutes. It also oversees policies on higher education and lifelong learning.
Human Resource Group
Is responsible for the enforcement of HR policies, attracting new talents in the teaching field and advocating individual development for career progression.
Information Technology Division
Is committed to enabling the digital transformation of MOE, by ensuring the strategic deployment of IT services and systems, and providing quality IT services and infrastructure to achieve excellence in administration, management and education.
Infrastructure and Facility Services Division
Oversees the planning, development and management of infrastructure and facility services, the delivery of corporate services and the safety, security and emergency preparedness for schools and MOE HQ.
Internal Audit Branch
Is an independent branch established within MOE to carry out independent appraisals of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s governance, risk management process and systems of internal controls.
Planning Division
Formulates and reviews education policies, analyses key MOE data and stakeholder perspectives to support policy decision-making, and charts and reviews processes to achieve MOE’s mission and its contribution to wider whole-of-Government objectives.
Research and Management Information Division
Conduct and harness research; provide leadership in data strategy and data governance.
Schools Division
Ensures the growth of quality leadership in schools.
Special Educational Needs Division
Oversees the development of education services for students with special educational needs.
Student Development Curriculum Division
Is responsible for enriching the curriculum beyond the classroom to develop students' cognitive, affective, physical and aesthetic abilities.
Student Placement and Services Division
Conducts strategic planning for school placement, and provides responsive and quality support services and systems to schools, students and stakeholders in student placement and scholarship matters.