Multiple Pathways of Success
We provide a variety of opportunities and multiple pathways for diverse learners, catering to their strengths and interests, while allowing them to grow their passions and develop their potential. We support their overall well-being on their educational journey and help them develop resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. We acknowledge that progress can take different directions for different people and we need to have broader definitions for success. This is why the system provides pathways for U-turns, sidesteps and specialisation, to help our students establish a suitable foundation for their future career.

We will continue to invest in developing different education pathways and creating more opportunities to make them available and accessible to all. We are committed to ensuring that there are good jobs for all, while providing resources to support and uplift the less advantaged.
I will develop a mindset to define success on my own terms and represent values that are true to myself. I will do my best in valuing every member of society by practicing empathy.
- Constance, Polytechnic Student
I will discover new things, embark on new adventures and explore more about what I want to do.
- Mohammad Ryan Khaizuran Putera Indra Iryawan, Secondary School Student
I will learn more skills, such as playing instruments and trying out different experiences such as volunteering, apart from just studying in school.
- Tan Shi Yi Ameryllis, Secondary School Student
I pledge to provide encouragement for my students to consider different pathways and explore their interests.
- Syairah, Secondary School Teacher
I will speak about pathways as different, not as one better than another.
- Goh Mee Mee, MOE HQ Personnel
I will help my students understand there are different kinds of successes in life and they can excel in whatever they do with conviction and passion.
- Tan Kok Kwang, Secondary School Leader
I will recognize the strengths of every student and celebrate different definitions of success beyond the academic, so that everyone can make a real difference to others in their own unique way.
- Chan Wan Yu, Junior College Leader
I pledge to let my children grow in the ways they are talented in and not to realize our unfulfilled dreams.
- Clement Cheong, Parent Support Group (PSG) Leader
I pledge to not focus on scores but the learning process; be open to education path my child select based on her aspirations; to be her cheerleader throughout her learning journey.
- Loh Chia Hwei Daryl, Parent Support Group (PSG) Leader