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Release of 2020 Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level Examination Results and 2021 Joint Admissions Exercise

Last Updated: 04 Jan 2021

News Press Releases

1. The results of the 2020 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O-Level) examination will be released on Monday, 11 January 2021, 2.00pm.


2. Given the COVID-19 situation, arrangements have been made for school candidates to receive their results from their respective secondary schools – in their individual classrooms instead of gathered as a cohort as in previous years – from 2.00pm on 11 January 2021. Only school candidates collecting their results will be allowed entry into the school premises, and they will be expected to observe the Safe Management Measures (SMMs) in place.

3. School candidates who are unwell, on Quarantine Order, Stay-Home Notice or Leave of Absence on the day of the results release, should not return to school to collect their results. Instead, they may view their results online via Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board's (SEAB) results release system at www.seab.gov.sg from 2.45pm on 11 January 2021. The system will be accessible from 11 to 25 January 2021.

4. School candidates who are eligible for SingPass1 can use their SingPass account to access SEAB's online results release system. School candidates who are International Students can access the results release system using the SEAB-issued PIN sent to their email addresses which their schools had provided to SEAB.

5. School candidates can also appoint a proxy to collect a physical copy of their results on their behalf. Proxies are required to collect the results by Wednesday, 13 January 2021, and produce the relevant documents for the school's verification. School candidates may contact their schools for assistance if they are unable to appoint a proxy, or if they have not received their password for SEAB's results release system.


6. Private candidates will be notified of their individual results by post. The result slips will be mailed on 11 January 2021 to the address that private candidates had provided to SEAB. Private candidates who are eligible for SingPass can also use their SingPass account to obtain their results online via SEAB's online results release system, similar to the arrangement for school candidates. Private candidates who are non-SingPass holders can use the SEAB-issued PIN sent to their email addresses which they had provided to SEAB.


7. Students who wish to apply for admission to Junior Colleges (JC), Millennia Institute, polytechnics, and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) may do so via the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) using their GCE O-Level examination results.

8. Eligible school candidates who sat for the 2020 GCE O-Level examination will receive Form A2 on Monday, 11 January 2021, when they collect their O-Level results in person. Private candidates who are eligible for JAE will continue to receive Form A via post sent to the address that they had provided to SEAB earlier. There will not be online copies of the Form A. Candidates' proxies may also collect their Form A on behalf of the candidates by Wednesday, 13 January 2021. If candidates are not able to collect their Form A from their schools or appoint a proxy to do so, they may contact their school for assistance.

9. The JAE-Internet System (JAE-IS) will be accessible from 3.00pm on Monday, 11 January 2021, to 4.00pm on Friday, 15 January 2021 for students to submit their course choices through the JAE website at www.moe.gov.sg/jae. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use the JAE worksheet (provided in Form A or the JAE information booklet) before submitting their online application. The JAE-IS can be accessed using SingPass or the JAE PIN (found in Form A). For more details on the JAE, applicants may refer to the JAE website at www.moe.gov.sg/jae or the 2021 JAE information booklet distributed to O-Level students.

Application Results

10. The posting results of the JAE application are scheduled for release on Thursday, 28 January 2021 through the following modes:

  1. Short Message Service (SMS) to the Singapore mobile number provided by the applicant during registration
  2. JAE-IS, which is accessible through the JAE website

11. Applicants posted to JCs and MI are to report to their posted institutions on Friday, 29 January 2021. If students are unable to report to their posted JC or MI on the first day of school due to valid reasons, they may contact their posted school directly to confirm that they are taking up the place, and the school will be able to reserve the place for them.

12. Applicants posted to polytechnics and ITE will receive a letter from their respective institutions on the enrolment details.


13. Students who had accepted offers through the 2020 Direct School Admission – Junior Colleges (DSA-JC) will be admitted to their chosen JC if they have met the eligibility criteria for admission based on their GCE O-Level examination results. Students admitted to a JC through DSA-JC will not be eligible to participate in the JAE.

14. Students who do not meet the JC admission criteria may take part in the JAE to apply for courses which they are eligible for. More details on DSA-JC can be found at www.moe.gov.sg/dsa-jc.


15. Students who had accepted conditional offers to a polytechnic course through the Polytechnic Early Admissions Exercise (EAE) in 2020 and have their offers confirmed based on their GCE O-Level examination results will not be eligible to participate in the JAE. Their EAE offers are confirmed if they meet the following criteria:

  1. A net ELR2B23 score of 26 points or better for the GCE O-Level examinations; and
  2. Minimum Entry Requirements for the respective polytechnic course.

16. Students who do not meet the above criteria may take part in the JAE. More details on Polytechnic EAE can be found at https://eae.polytechnic.edu.sg


17. Students who had accepted conditional offers to an ITE course through the ITE EAE in 2020 and have their offers confirmed based on their GCE O-Level examination results will not be eligible to participate in the JAE. Their EAE offers are confirmed if they meet the subject-specific Minimum Entry Requirements for the course. More details on ITE EAE can be found at www.ite.edu.sg/admissions/full-time-courses/higher-nitec/eae.


18. Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) [N(A)] students who have sat for O-Level subjects in 2020 can use their O-Level results for these subjects to apply for a place in the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) and Direct-Entry-Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP).

Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)

19. The PFP is an alternative to the Secondary 5 N(A) year. It is a one-year foundation programme at the polytechnics that offers a practice-oriented approach to prepare students for entry into the relevant diploma courses.

20. Students are eligible to apply for the PFP if they have obtained a raw ELMAB34 aggregate of 12 points or better, and meet the subject-specific requirements for their chosen course.

21. PFP-eligible students who have taken O-Level subjects will receive a copy of Form P from their respective secondary schools when they collect their GCE O-Level results on Monday, 11 January 2021. Each copy of Form P contains a unique password. Interested students should use the respective passwords to submit their applications online via the PFP website at https://pfp.polytechnic.edu.sg/PFP/index.html. More information on the eligibility requirements for the PFP, as well as how O-Level results are considered in the computation of the ELMAB3 aggregate, can be found on the PFP website.

22. Applications for the PFP will be open from 2.00pm on Monday, 11 January 2021 until 4.00pm on Friday, 15 January 2021. The PFP posting results will be released at 2.00pm on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 through the PFP website. Students will be required to indicate whether they wish to accept, reject, or appeal for a change of course by 4.00pm on Thursday, 21 January 2021.

Direct-Entry-Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)

23. The DPP prepares students for progression into selected polytechnic diploma courses via a two-year Higher Nitec course at ITE. Students are eligible to apply if they have obtained a raw ELMAB3 aggregate not exceeding 19 points and met the subject-specific requirements for their chosen course. More information on the DPP can be found at www.ite.edu.sg/admissions/full-time-courses/higher-nitec/dpp.

24. Secondary 4 N(A) students who are newly eligible after taking into account their O-Level examination results should submit their DPP applications online via the DPP application portal at www.ite.edu.sg/apply-for-ite-courses. The final application phase for the DPP will open on Monday, 11 January 2021 and close on Friday, 15 January 2021.

25. The DPP posting results for applications made under the final application phase will be released at 9.00am on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 through the DPP application portal. Students will be required to indicate whether they wish to accept or reject the DPP offer by Thursday, 21 January 2021.

For successful PFP and/or DPP applicants

26. Students who have been offered a place in the DPP under the final application phase should report to ITE on Thursday, 21 January 2021 upon acceptance of their DPP course offer.

27. The last day of school for Secondary 5 students who have accepted a place in the PFP will be on Friday, 29 January 2021. Students will be informed by the respective polytechnics on the enrolment dates for the PFP.

28. Students who accepted a place in the earlier application phase of the DPP in December but have now decided to take up a PFP offer will need to apply to ITE to withdraw from the DPP first, before they are able to take up the PFP offer.


  1. Candidates can visit the SingPass website at www.singpass.gov.sg to find out if they are eligible for SingPass.

  2. Form A will list the applicant’s GCE O-Level examination results, the courses which he/she is eligible to apply for under the JAE, and his/her JAE PIN (i.e. a personal password for the applicant to access JAE-IS).

  3. The ELR2B2 aggregate comprises English Language, 2 relevant subjects for the polytechnic course applied for and 2 other best subjects which could be elective subjects.

  4. The raw ELMAB3 aggregate comprises English Language, Mathematics, and the student’s three other best subjects, and excludes CCA bonus points. CCA bonus points will be taken into account during posting.