Last Updated: 14 Jan 2025
Register a private school
1. Overview
You will need to register your private school, courses offered and teachers permitted to teach if your school offers education for 10 or more persons. These include tuition and enrichment centres that teach subjects taught in mainstream schools.
You will need to register with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) if your school:
- Offers diploma or degree courses, or some form of post-secondary certification.
- Offers full-time preparatory courses for entrance or placement tests to MOE mainstream schools, or for external examinations.
- Offers full-time primary or secondary education that follows a foreign or international curriculum.
- Is a privately-funded special education school.
Please note that an early childhood development centre (ECDC) is defined in the Early Childhood Development Centres Act 2017 (ECDC Act) as referring to any premises where the care and/or education, habitually of five or more children who are below seven years of age, is provided for a fee, reward or profit by a person who is not a relative or guardian of all of the children. If you are an operator of a childcare centre or preschool, refer to the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA).
Private schools registered under the Education Act should not be run as alternatives to ECDCs. It is a condition of registration that such private schools must not be conducted in a manner that render them registrable as ECDCs under the ECDC Act. We may direct you to apply to ECDA on the basis that the school you are proposing to register should be registered as an ECDC.
We may refer your school to ECDA if your school is found to be offering programmes that render it registrable as an ECDC, or to SSG if you are offering programmes that are considered full-time private education.
Changes to registration details
Changes to registration details for Registered Schools- You will need to submit an amendment application for the following:
- Registration of new teacher(s).Registration of new course(s) and its accompanying teacher(s).
- Re-registration/changes to the Committee of Management of the School (SMC).
- Relocation or expansion of your school.
- Changes to your school names.
- Termination of your school.
Certificates you can issue
As a school, you may issue the following certificates to students:
- Certificates for the successful completion of internal examinations or assessments conducted by your school.
- Certificates for attendance or completion of the courses.